Project work

The financial resources that were acquired through the project tasks successfully renew and maintain Sečovlje pans.

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What are salt-pans? Marine salt-pans are areas where man transformed the natural coastal wetlands by building embankments, channels and shallow basins, in which he then condensed, with the aid of the sun, wind, tides and pumps, the captured sea water till becoming saturated with salt.

Marine salt-pans can be most often found along the outfalls of the rivers, which through the millennium long depositing of alluvia created floodplains suitable for their construction. On the other hand, salt-pans in the interior lie, as a rule, in the immediate vicinity of underground stocks of brine or salt. 
Salt-pans or salinas are: salt mines and salt-pans in the interior, salt lakes and depressions, original, primitive salt-pans, trade pans, as well as non-functional and abandoned salt-pans.

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