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The financial resources that were acquired through the project tasks successfully renew and maintain Sečovlje pans.

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Characteristic of saline ground in the pans are halophytes or salt-loving plants, which withstand or need great concentrations of salt.

We can usually find them in places where rivers or streams flow into the sea, and in salt-pans.
At Lera, halophytes strive especially on the edges of salt-fields and in ditches. A salt basin is only rarely covered by a pioneer association of Marsh Samphire. Botanically even more interesting part of the salt-pans is the Fontanigge area with its genuine halophyte meadows, where Glasswort usually prevails in the company of Sea Purslane and Common Sea-lavender. The edges of the former basins and ditches are overgrown by the Absinth Artemisia caerulescens. Along the ditches, separate bushes of Glasswort and Annual Sea-blite can also be found. The banks of salt-pan channels are overgrown by Golden Samphire.
As a rule, halophytes have lignified leaves and stems, for they suffer droughts when water is not accessible to them.
The most attractive halophyte is the Common Sea-lavender with its tiny purple flowers and salt glands on its leaves.

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