Project work

The financial resources that were acquired through the project tasks successfully renew and maintain Sečovlje pans.

Send greeting card
Unforgettable memory

Through the website you can send to your friends a postcard with a beautiful design of the park.

KPSS publications
Publishing activities and reports

The KPSS are dealing with publishing and editorial activities. At the same time, there are also published in professional and other reports related to the activity of KPSS. Browse through and download them!


Larus canus

Sivi galeb na območju Sečoveljskih solin sploh ni tako redek, kot je sprva kazalo.

Najverjetneje je k temu pripomogla njegova "nevpadljivost" kadar je pomešan med ostale galebje vrste. Nedvomno ga lahko opazujemo v zimskem času, če si s spomočjo teleskopa podrobno ogledamo večje skupine galebov. Največkrat je bil opazovan ob izlivu reke Dragonje.

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