Project work

The financial resources that were acquired through the project tasks successfully renew and maintain Sečovlje pans.

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KPSS publications
Publishing activities and reports

The KPSS are dealing with publishing and editorial activities. At the same time, there are also published in professional and other reports related to the activity of KPSS. Browse through and download them!


Glareola pratincola

If a decade or more ago the ornithologists kept repeating that the Collared Pratincole could possibly breed at the Sečovlje salt-pans, we finally discarded this idea during the visit to its nest-sites at the Ulcinj salt-pans, Montenegro.

There, too, the number of breeding pairs is falling rapidly, which of course means that we can be only happy to see any migrating individual here in Slovenia. For the area of Sečovlje salt-pans, we have only three observations, and even these of fairly old dates.

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