Data collecting
The objective was to incorporate all available faunistic data on birds of the Sečovlje salt-pans
All known literature sources were used, as well as data supported by irrefutable specimens found in public collections, and observations by professionally qualified personnel in the field. The data collection includes all records made during the ornithofaunistic research, with numerous new data. We are aware, however, that some still remain in ornithological notebooks of a number of bird lovers and watchers.
The data gathered in this part have been collected at various levels. Many
records from the 1973-1983 period are chance observations, while some of them
were made randomly. Occasionally, bird netting and ringing was carried out unsystematically
in the area concerned. In spite of several attempts, we have not succeeded in
obtaining the Sečovlje salt-pans bird netting results kept by the Slovenian
Museum of Natural History.
Since 1983, the birds' breeding, migration and overwintering in the area
concerned have been systematically surveyed with various mapping methods.
In the 2004-2009 period, regular weekly bird monitoring in the survey area
was carried out with the aid of the territory mapping method (Bibby et al., 1992). The survey area covers
the area of Sečovlje Salina Nature Park with toponyms. The latter are suitably
named parts of the Sečovlje salt-pans and marked with a code, which is adjusted
with the code of the quality technologist in the firm SOLINE Pridelava soli
d.o.o., which means that production work can be compared with
nature-conservation work, and vice versa. Monitoring is implemented in
accordance with the Park's annual programme, with the monitoring results
presented in annual reports, which are prepared by the professional
nature-conservancy monitoring associate for each separate year or period.
When entering data in the field
itself, PDAs (HP iPAQ 6915, HTC HD in SCC SC 800) with GPS receiver and Pocket Bird Recorder program were used. For
data entering, saving and processing, the Wildlife Recorder equipment was
Into the data base, all available records and quotations from literature
from 1870 onwards were included. In total, 17,157 entries were made in the
Park's base till the end of 2009.
In the 1983-2009 period, a little more than 1,500 field days were conducted
in the area of Sečovlje salt-pans. Three periods of fairly intensive research
and visiting of the area under consideration are evident from this period. The
fairly great number of observations made in the early 1980s is correlated with enlivened
youth research camps and the work carried out by Ixobrychus Ornithological
Society, the observations made in the 1990s with individual research by
separate ornithologists, while in 2004 regular weekly monitoring began to be implemented
on the grounds of the adopted management obligation. In the preparation of
distribution and other maps, the DMAP and DMAP Digitizer programmes were used.
Our data statistical processing was aided by the Biodiversity Pro, TRIM and
BioToolKit programmes, while in the interpretation of these data the basic work
from this sphere, i.e. »Measuring Biological Diversity« by A. E. Magurran
(2004) was taken into consideration.