Project work

The financial resources that were acquired through the project tasks successfully renew and maintain Sečovlje pans.

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At Lera, salt is produced in accordance with the mediaeval tradition; the production procedure was only slightly modernised by the Austrians in 1904.

Salt is being made in the petola, a layer of biosediment that prevents sea mud turning into salt and undesired ions building up in salt crystals. The petola is a special feature in the salt-making procedure, as it has been preserved only at the Sečovlje and Strunjan Salina. The Lera salt-pans are not only an exceptional technical heritage, but at the same time co-create this unique cultural landscape at the junction of land and sea. The different life environments of the Sečovlje Salina are closely-knit in the interchanging worlds of sea, brackish water, fresh water and land. At Lera, the habitats of plant and animal species are limited to diversely saline salt-fields, channels and levees. 

karta lera

Površina / Surface: 279 ha
Število vrst / Species Richness (S): 183
Številčnost / Total Abundance: 298173
Povprečje / Mean: 1021.14
Maks. / Max.: 201806
σ2 = 141246176
σ = 11884.704
SE = 695.5
Shannonov Indeks / Shannon-Wiener Index: 1.5979009
Simpsonov Indeks / Simpson Diversity Index: 
D: 0.47607675
1-D: 0.5239232
D: 2.1005015
Poravnanost / Evenness: 0.3090428
Shannonova entropija / Shannon Entropy: 2.3052838

opazovanja lera

vrste lera

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