At Fontanigge, salt-harvesting was abandoned in the 1960s. The tradition of salt-making, which originates from the 14th century, is depicted by the Museum of Salt-making situated by the Giassi channel and along Cavana 131.
With the ruins of houses once used by the salters, traces of salt-fields, levees and channels, the Fontanigge does not only speak of once highly practiced salt-making activities on the northeastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, but is part of exceptional cultural landscape at the junction of land and sea. The Fontanigge is distinguished for its great diversity of habitats. These are reeds, dry, bare or partially overgrown basins and islets in the salt-fields, mudflats and grasslands with thriving salt-loving plants.

Površina / Surface: 314 ha
Število vrst / Species Richness (S): 271
Številčnost / Total Abundance: 379385
Povprečje / Mean: 1382.294
Maks. / Max.: 153284
σ2 = 91782864
σ = 9580.337
SE = 560.647
Shannonov Indeks / Shannon-Wiener Index: 2.7362256
Simpsonov Indeks / Simpson Diversity Index:
D: 0.1705039
1-D: 0.8294961
1/D: 5.864969
Poravnanost / Evenness: 0.48842692
Shannonova entropija / Shannon Entropy: 3.9475393