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Mr. Milan Zver, member of the EP, visited the park

On 16.11.2012 the Sečovlje Salina Nature Park hosted Mr. Milan Zver, MEP and his wife. We presented the area's most precious natural and cultural heritage, and the results of ongoing works of the project LIFE + MANSALT.

Mr. Zver followed with interest the results of renovation works carried out on the dykes and embankments with the co-financing of  LIFE+ financial instrument. These works will ensure a favourable ecological status of species and habitats in the ecosystem of the Secovlje Salina. The renovated dykes prevent  uncontrolled flooding of plants and animals habitats in the area ​​Natura 2000 and at the same time provide greater flood protection inland. Mr. Zver also stressed the importance of involving the local community in the life and work of Secovlje Salina and marked the area of the park as an example of good management practices within Natura 2000 sites.

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