LIFE URCA PROEMYS Summer Research Camp successfully completed
On Friday 7.7.2023 the LIFE URCA PROEMYS summer research camp ended with presentations for parents. Together with the children we studied the European Pond Turtle. The camp was successfully completed. The KPSS and CŠOD team would like to thank all the participants for an enjoyable time.
Within the LIFE URCA PROEMYS project, a summer research camp for children was held from 3-7 to 7-7-2023.
During the camp we researched the European Pond Turtle (Emys orbicularis) in the Sečovlje Saline Landscape Park.
The children were divided into four groups. They went on a canoe tour of the Sečovlje Saline National Park, where they also had a guided tour. The work was carried out in the field at work stations, where the children took part in sexing, ageing, measuring, weighing and photographing the turtles and recording data. The atmosphere at the camp was unique, thanks to the help of the CŠOD instructors and the professional staff of the KPSS.
The children also had two afternoon workshops where they recreated the habitat of the European Pond Turtle and made a comic strip to present to all participants. In the evening lectures, they also learned about non-native species that threaten the European Pond Turtle, and an exotic animal veterinarian presented his work and aquaponics.They also spent the night in tents. The weather was kind and we did all the planned activities. There was no shortage of leisure activities either, as the children had all the sports equipment at their disposal and they also went swimming in the sea.
The camp was free of charge for the children, as it was organised within the LIFE UrCA PROEMYS project, which is a 5-year project for the conservation of the marsh harrier in Slovenia and Italy. The lead partner of the project is WWF Italy, and in addition to the 7 Italian partners, the project also involves the Slovenian partners Public Institution Krajinski park Ljubljansko bogje and Soline Pridelava soli d.o.o.
Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino
Krajinski park Ljubljansko barje
Parchi Emilia Centrale
Museo di Storia Naturale
Università di Pisa
Krajinski park Sečoveljske soline
WWF Italia
#EUBiodiversity #LIFEProgramme #LIFEprojects #Natura2000