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Artificial nesting and sunbathing platforms for European Pond Turtle

In April, work continued in the Rudnik-Korea area to restore the site and improve habitat conditions for the conservation of the European Pond Turtle. The work is being carried out within the framework of the LIFE URCA Projekt.

The project has created more level passages on the dykes, built 10 floating sunbathing platforms and created a 10 m2 artificial nesting site. The sunbathing platforms are already in use by the European Pond Turtle. In the future, we will also install a camera at the nesting site to monitor the nesting site 24 hours a day.
The population of the European Pond Turtle in the area is ageing, which means that breeding success is poor. With this artificial nesting site, which is protected from predators, the LIFE UrCA PROEMYS project will ensure a favourable conservation status for the European Pond Turtle, which is our Natura 2000 qualifying species (it is included in the list of strictly protected vertebrate species of the Bern Convention - Appendix II and in the list of the Habitats Directive - Appendix II). It will be known next year if the breeding will be successful.
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