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The 5-year project, which runs from October 2022 to September 2027, is financed by the European LIFE fund. The leading partner of the project is WWF Italy, and 7 Italian and 2 Slovenian partners participate in the project (in addition to the KPSS, the KP Ljubljansko barje).
The project is aimed at the conservation and repopulation of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) by implementing activities aimed at improving the natural habitats of the European pond turtle and by removing invasive non-native species from nature and raising public awareness.

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Latest news


CARS-OUT! work in full progress

The project CARS-OUT! is implemented from January 2015 and the first results are already noticeable. Our workers work hard so the consolidation of the existing road and anti-dust layer to provide access for small electric vehicle is almost completed. At the same time also works on the wooden path from the entrance to the park are in full progress. Both infrastructure projects are of great importance to achieve key project aims; no visitor entering the park with motor vehicle and environmentally sustainable visitation of KPSS.

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Visit to the Norwegian CARS-OUT! partner

In the past days the project group from Sečovlje Salina Nature Park and Strunjan Landscape Park visited the Norwegian project partner in the National Park Jotunheimen. The visit was part of the CARS-OUT! activities. The friendly staff showed us the most interesting points of the park and explained how the motor traffic is organized in Jotunheimen park

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Exhibition Six-Feet Wonders In SSNP

Photographic exhibition on butterflies and grasshoppers is opened in the gift-shop at Lera/SSNP until 20 July. The author is photographer Anja Čop who – with assistance of Stanislav Gomboc, experts on butterflies and grasshoppers – took pictures of these interesting creatures. Gomboc has previously investigated the butterfly and grasshopper fauna of Secovlje Salina and was surprised to find almost 1000 butterfly species. According to his view, such diverse fauna of insects in the Secovlje Salina is also result of careful management with dryland habitats in the area within the frame of LIFE MANSALT project. The extend of semi-dry areas, forming appropriate habitat for halophyte communities, has been increased in the recent years. Salt-loving plants are important for some butterfly species.

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Milestone exceeded! LIFE MANSALT project: 81 workshops since the start of the project!

Pupils from the primary school in Murska Sobota, who participated at the educative LIFE MANSALT workshop in SSNP where the importance of saline environment for breeding of endangered bird species, especially Terns, is presented, were the 81 pupil's group attending these workshops. Planned number of 80 workshops within the duration of the LIFE project is thus already reached. Workshops are extremely important tool to raise awareness and provide knowledge on the importance of the habitat management for conservation of biodiversity.

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