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LIFE MANSALT project concluded
At the end of September our five year long LIFE MANSALT project was concluded. The project activities which started in October 2010 aimed to improve the conservation status of target animals and their habitats. The project team comprised more than 40 employees of the company SOLINE.
Read moreLIFE MANSALT concluding press conference
At the concluding press conference on the LIFE MANSALT project, held on Friday 16 October 2015, results of the five-year LIFE+MANSALT project, which was concluded on 30 September 2015, were presented. Within the framework of the project »LIFE MANSALT – Man and Nature at the Sečovlje Saltpans«, 7,056,366 EUR were envisaged to be drawn (48.75% contribution by EU, 48.27% by the financers of the Republic of Slovenia and Telekom d.d., and 2.89% by SOLINE d.o.o.).
Read moreLife on a Higher Ground
Film about the Project LIFE MANSALT.
Read moreNew breeding islands for rare and endangered birds in the LIFE area
In the last days new breeding islands for rare and endangered bird species were constructed in the frame of LIFE MANSALT project.
Read moreEncouraging results of Habitat action plan in SSNP
The Habitats Directive is the Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (The Council Directive 92/43 / EEC on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora - "The Habitat Directive"). It was adopted by the Council of Ministers on 21st May 1992. The Directive has been amended several times, last in 1995 when Austria, Finland and Sweden joined.
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