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The 5-year project, which runs from October 2022 to September 2027, is financed by the European LIFE fund. The leading partner of the project is WWF Italy, and 7 Italian and 2 Slovenian partners participate in the project (in addition to the KPSS, the KP Ljubljansko barje).
The project is aimed at the conservation and repopulation of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) by implementing activities aimed at improving the natural habitats of the European pond turtle and by removing invasive non-native species from nature and raising public awareness.

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Latest news


»MAD 2020 – Mediteranean Action Day 2020«

As part of the "MAD 2020 - Mediterranean Action Day 2020" project, we will start free guided tours at KPSS at the end of August 2020, with which we will acquaint visitors with the importance of Mediterranean wetlands, including the Sečovlje salt pans.

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The park is closed to visitors until further notice

Group carpools for employees, business customers and mooring tenants are abolished. Only the most urgent outdoor work is performed at the KPSS. Everyone else is home, or they do their homework. Business customers and mooring users can use their own vehicles to access the KPSS for emergency work, but only between 7am and 3pm. At 15.00 the sliding doors at the KPSS at the entrance to Lera will close and entry and exit are no longer possible.

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