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Invasive alien plant species in the Sečovlje Salina Nature Park
Due to the development of technologies and reduction of distances that were once insurmountable for the spread of certain species, a number of non-native species is increasing. These species do not spread in a natural way, they immigrate in our country with a human help.
Read moreFirst nutrias in Sečovlje Salina
Nutria is a kind of aquatic mammal, native to South America. In the last century, it was already introduced to Europe, where it was cultivated primarily for its fur. Numerous animals have escaped from captivity, settled in waters throughout Europe, where environment apparently suits them and furthermore, they rapidly proliferate.
Read moreRenovation work on the roof of the Centre for visitors KPSS on Lera
Yesterday 23/10/2014 we started renovation work on the roof of the Centre for visitors. After the renovation of the roof will be gradually restored the interior spaces of the center, so visitors are kindly asked for understanding. At the same time we are finishing the renovation of the observation deck. Viewing platform will be soon available again for the visitors of the Park
Read moreVisit of the LIFE project participants from Bulgaria
In 2014, we hosted in Sečovlje Salina Nature Park our colleagues from Bulgaria, which are carrying out different LIFE projects. On 23 May 2014, we had a visit from the project MC-SALT, LIFE/10/NAT/IT/000256 representatives, which are partners of the Italian carrier of the LIFE project. Moreover, on 16 October 2014, we hosted representatives of two LIFE projects, namely the project Salt of Life, LIFE08/NAT/BG/000277 and the project Life for the Burgas Lakes, LIFE08/10/NAT/IT/000256.
Read moreSecond international Adriatic Flyway Conference
From the 30.9.2014 to 03.10.2014 held the Second international Adriatic Flyway Conference, organized by the organization Euronatur. The conference was participated and presenting the KPSS by I. Škornik co-authored with A. Sovinc entitled "Securing favorable ecological status of species and Habitats and traditional Salinas: visitor management and salt-production process and Sečovlje Salina Nature Park" where we wanted to present a model management of protected areas.
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