Project work

The financial resources that were acquired through the project tasks successfully renew and maintain Sečovlje pans.

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Nature Parks of Slovenia

Slovenia offers an outstanding mosaic of biological, landscape and cultural diversity. So far 11.5% of the Slovenian countryside has been protected in various protection categories. Altogether there are forty-four protected areas or parks, including one national park, three regional parks and forty landscape parks.

parki slpvenije

For a relatively small area, Slovenia offers a unique mosaic of biological, geographical and cultural diversity, with dozens of major natural assets and items of significant European cultural heritage. Around 12,6% of Slovenia’s territory is cover by protected natural areas, 36% of the territory is protected under Natura 2000, and almost 15,000 aspects of the country’s nature have been awarded the status  “valuable natural feature”.

Nature parks of Slovenia -published by Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, 2011 (in several languages)

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