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The financial resources that were acquired through the project tasks successfully renew and maintain Sečovlje pans.

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Management plan

On the basis of the third paragraph of Article 60 of the Nature Conservation Law (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 96/04 – officially consolidated text, 61/06 – ZDru-1 and 8/10 – ZSKZ-B) and with reference to the second paragraph of Article 19 of the Decree on Sečovlje Salina Nature Park (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 29/01), the Government of Slovenia is issuing herewith the following

on the management plan of Sečovlje Salina Nature Park for the 2011–2021period

Article 1
With this decree, the Sečovlje Salina Nature Park's management plan (hereinafter referred to as »the management plan«) for the 2011-2021 is adopted.

Article 2
The management plan includes an analysis and assessment of the existing situation and stipulates the vision of protection and development of Sečovlje Salina Nature Park (hereinafter referred to as »Nature Park), the long-term and operative objectives of the Park's management, the manner of their implementation and ascertainment of their effectiveness.

Article 3
The management plan also includes the plan of the investment maintenance and investments in real property owned by the state in the Nature Park for the purpose of the Nature Park's management. Investment maintenance and investments are carried out on the grounds of the confirmed annual plan of the Park's management by the ministry competent for nature conservation (hereinafter referred to as »the Ministry«) and by consent of the ministry competent for finances.

Article 4
(1) The management plan is, as an annex, a component part of this decree.
(2) The original of the management plan is available for perusal at the Ministry and at the head office of the Nature Park's manager.

Article 5
This decree comes into force on the 15th day after its publishing in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

No. 00719-26/2011
Ljubljana, June 30th 2011
EVA 2008-2511-0067
Government of the Republic of Slovenia

Borut Pahor

Annex to the management plan: nacrt_upravljanja_kpss.pdf

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