Project work

The financial resources that were acquired through the project tasks successfully renew and maintain Sečovlje pans.

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Unforgettable memory

Through the website you can send to your friends a postcard with a beautiful design of the park.

KPSS publications
Publishing activities and reports

The KPSS are dealing with publishing and editorial activities. At the same time, there are also published in professional and other reports related to the activity of KPSS. Browse through and download them!


Welcome to the Climaparks project!

You have just entered a site of nine parks from Slovenia and Italy cooperating in the research of climate change. Here you will learn more about the partner parks, the challenges they face, and the diversity of their natural features. The project is co-financed under the Slovenia-Italy Transnational Programme 2007-2013 by the European Regional Development Fund and national funds.

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